
Tits Up Guides

We hope these simple guides will be useful for patients, their supporters and local businesses alike. Our aim is to keep adding to the list of guides so please keep popping back to see what's new! Or please feel free to contact us with ideas for new ones!

Eating well during cancer treatment

One thing that really surprises many people is the way that cancer treatment affects a patient's diet. Many patients find that their appetite disappears, or their taste changes, then they find that some of the foods  they fancy eating  are out of bounds! It's good to be aware of the foods that are risky while you're on treatment, then you can look forward to eating them again when the treatment plan is complete.

Click here for the Tits Up Guide to Eating Well

Gift-buying Ideas

Some of the more conventional gift ideas for friends and relatives might not be appropriate if they're going through cancer treatment, so we've put together a gift idea guide to  offer some alternatives. Then again, you know the recipient, so what you thought of first might be absolutely perfect!

Click here for the Tits Up Guide to Gift Ideas

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